RAW is a file format that contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of a digital camera. RAW files are larger in size compared to JPEGJPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group and the standard format in which pictures are compressed. Due to this compression, JPEG files are smaller and carry less information. Sometimes also denoted as jpg or jpeg. files, as they retain all of the image data captured by the camera sensor without any compression. This allows for greater latitude in adjusting exposureThe amount of light that reaches the film (or camera sensor). It determines how light or dark an image is. The exposure of an image is determined by the aperture, shutter speed, and film speed (ISO). During exposure, the sensors or chemicals on the film in analogue models, are subjected to the light outside the camera for a certain time., colour balance, and other image settings in post-processing, resulting in higher quality prints and digital images.
One of the key advantages of shooting in RAW format is the ability to recover details in highlights and shadows that may be lost when shooting in JPEGJPEG is an acronym for Joint Photographic Experts Group and the standard format in which pictures are compressed. Due to this compression, JPEG files are smaller and carry less information. Sometimes also denoted as jpg or jpeg. format. Additionally, RAW files allow for non-destructive editing, meaning that changes can be made to the image without affecting the original image data.