MPB – Camera Exchange

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MPB – Camera Exchange


Trade in and upgrade your camera setup. Fast, easy, and secure camera exchange...

Picture this. Amazing equipment, instantly accessible. Seamlessly upgrading your setup for the perfect shoot, every time. The kit you want, in exchange for the gear you no longer need.

Great value. Peace of mind. Freedom.

MPB trades thousands of cameras and lenses every week, across Europe and the US. MPB checks, grades and photographs every single item, and adds a six-month warranty, so you can be sure of what’s in the box. Unlike the others, MPB focus only on used, providing unrivaled access to a vast range of photo and filmmaking kit. Better value, better gear, better photos.

The process is simple

  1. Fill in the form for an instant quote on your kit.
  2. Ship to MPB Happy to proceed? MPB will pay for insured collection.
  3. We’ll check the items, confirm the quote and send the money to your bank account.


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