Minolta 110 SLR Mk II Results – a successful photoshoot

Bracknell photo walk with Minolta 110 SLR

I enjoyed using the robust simple to use Minolta 110 SLR. It is a true SLR although it does not have interchangeable lenses. Just a zoom. You can read more about the camera on this blog at Minolta 110 SLR Mk II Film camera – an easy to use portable SLR

I am also please with the results. I understand the limitations of 110 – due to the small negative size of 110 film. But that should not put you off having fin with film. Too often in the digital world people focus on whether the photo is technically good rather than how they feel looking at the image.

Here are the pictures I took on a photo walk one Sunday in Bracknell with my poodle, Lottie. It was during the Covid-19 crisis so most shops were shut and there were not many people around. I was able to stop, look and shoot.

Bracknell Photo Walk

From Start to Finish

I bought the 110 film from Analogue Wonderland and as with all 110 cameras it was very easy to load. Just drop it in and wind on till the winder stops. I was conscious that I was using film and not a digital camera so I stopped to think and look before I fired the simple shutter. I did not keep a log of settings – I just wanted to enjoy the process and not get too technical.

As the film count wound on I felt keen to finish the film – a good sign, but not so keen that I would waste some shots. I saved some frames for my next lockdown trip out to Painshill Park in Surrey and once again I was pleased with the results.

I sent the film away to (AG Photo Lab) be processed and the service included a scan and a set of prints. It was great to get everything back – but I guess I am not sure what I will do with the prints…

I uploaded the scanned images into Adobe Lightroom and added a few filters and corrected the level etc before posting on this blog post. I love the colours and the way the images have turned out. Naturally, some have some grain. I have also processed a few using Topaz Labs – Gigapixel AI and added them to some sites such as Etsy.

Rounding up my thoughts

I really enjoyed using the Minolta SLR, it was fun, easy, versatile and gave good results – no missed images, blanks, light leaks etc. I am not sure that it is quite the right camera for me as I love the look and feel of my Olympus OM2. But for a no-nonsense film camera, I think that the Minolta is a great camera and with the solid build quality, I think that it will give many more years of service.

If you would like a Minolta I would check eBay and Etsy. Here are two links to help you.

Minolta 110 SLR Mk II on eBay

Minolta 110 SLR Mk II on Etsy

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